
Designed an app to optimize employees' parking with real-time availability, reservations, navigation, and digital passes for enhanced efficiency and convenience.


This case study focuses on addressing the challenges faced by employees working in big cities, such as unorganized parking systems and time-consuming searches. The solution entails a mobile app designed to optimize employees’ parking experiences by improving parking efficiency, enhancing user convenience, and providing real-time parking information. The app features real-time availability status of parking spots, spot reservations, navigation, and digital passes. This case study aims to improve the parking experiences of employees through user-centered design.

The Problem

To get a better understanding of the problem, I’ve created two user personas and empathy maps.

User 1

User 1 - User Persona

User Persona
User 1 - Empathy Map
Empathy Map

User 2

User 2 - User Persona

User Persona
User 2 - Empathy Map
Empathy Map

Defining the problems

Based on the User Research, I have narrowed down three primary issues have been identified.

Defined Problems

Defined Problems

Ideation and Design Process

Project Goals

Based on the defined problems, some possible solutions include

Project Goals

Project Goals

User Flow

User Flow - Onboarding

User Flow - Signin

User Flow - Main

User Flow - Main Flow

Digital Wireframes

Before diving into crafting polished designs, I’ve rapidly brainstormed some sleek, low-fidelity wireframes to lay the groundwork.

Wireframes 1

Wireframes - Onboarding

Wireframes 2

Wireframes - Main

Design Solution

Solution #1

Solution #2

Solution #3

Design System

Style Guide

Style Guide





Final Mockups & Live Prototype

Mockups - Light

Mockups - Light

Mockups - Dark

Mockups - Dark

Scope for possible improvements

Registering with car details - The users can be asked to register their car details at sign-up. This allows us to recommend more suitable parking spots according to their vehicles.

‍Paid parking system - Currently, the app is limited to managing parking in office buildings. However, we could develop the app further to make it accessible to the general public. This would allow building owners to list their available parking spaces and allow drivers to park their vehicles. By doing so, both parties can benefit from this arrangement.